Welcome to the Best Blog Ever

Delve into this young entrepreneur's blog that discusses an up and coming application that could radically change the grocery industry.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 9- Summary Post

This project has been really fun for me. I really enjoyed coming up with an entrepreneurial idea and applying our lessons to it. It really increased my knowledge and understanding of different technical parts of an app/website. It also added to the success of my app (should it ever be set into motion).

I really liked that students and GA's had the opportunity to comment on our blogs. It was nice to get the more technical input from GA's while getting advice from our piers on what we could improve. I also liked that I had the chance to comment on my piers' blogs. This gave me the chance to show what I've learned while reading some interesting ideas.

Overall this blog project was a success. I was able to create an idea and then fully analyze and add to it using the things we learned in lecture. I hope that someday I have the technical skills to put this app into action. Here are the blogs that I commented on: http://slampeist195.blogspot.com/ and http://manelaist195.blogspot.com/ and http://atheilig.blogspot.com/

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